The Day of the Composer – A Live Stream on the move …..

Client: The Post menProject: Streaming two cams direct from an train The Day of the Composer was celebrated this year, on June 17, 2023, with many guest performances throughout the country. Several performances took place on “de Karel,” a train from 1970. This bright red presence managed to capture the attention of fellow passengers during…

Just SIPit

More and more equipment is being developed using the internet as the carrier for signals. Even your thermostat at home is connected now a days. The same goes for all sorts of broadcast equipment. This has great advantages but is has its drawbacks also. Also the Telecom world is changing. The focus is more and…

Hassel free Coms!

Building coms between a studio and your outside production location might become more of a difficulty now analog and ISDN lines are being phased-out. IP is more and more becoming the standard. There, where before you could simply ask for an analog or ISDN based landline for venues, this is getting more and more difficult…